Brilliance vs. Retail Jewelers

Why Brilliance Offers Better Diamonds for Less

Why Brilliance Offers Better Diamonds for Less

Brilliance is the leading online retailer of wholesale diamonds. With our low prices, we often get the same questions:

  • Where do diamonds come from?
  • What makes a diamond so expensive?
  • How are you able to sell the same diamonds as a retail store for so much less?

The Journey of Diamonds

Diamonds are formed deep within the Earth, in the upper mantle. The heat and pressure cause carbon atoms to arrange themselves in a crystal structure. These carbon-on-carbon bonds give diamonds their characteristic strength. A one-carat diamond represents billions of these carbon atoms.

Diamonds are brought up from the mantle by deep-rooted volcanic eruptions from Earth's younger days. These eruptions forced the diamonds to cool quickly, preserving their unique properties. While no one knows exactly how diamonds form or how long it takes, this mystery is why artificial diamonds can never truly match the real thing.

What Makes Diamonds So Expensive?

It takes about 200 tons of ore to find one high-quality, one-carat diamond. Most diamonds are industrial-grade and unsuitable for jewelry. Mining infrastructure, labor, and operational costs add to the price. Additionally, cutting a diamond is an intricate process where rough stones lose carat weight, and many are destroyed.

After cutting and polishing, independent laboratories like GIA or AGS certify diamonds based on their characteristics. At this point, a retailer and are working at an even cost, but store overhead makes a significant difference.

Retail Stores vs. Online Retailers

Who has higher overhead costs? A fancy name-brand store or an online retailer like Brilliance with a manageable office? Let's break it down:

  • Advertising: While both pay for advertising, Brilliance leverages the internet for cost-effective marketing. Retailers must invest heavily in advertising to draw customers to physical stores.
  • Rent: Online retailers can choose low-cost locations and pass savings to customers. Retailers must pay top dollar for prime locations and consistently renovate to keep stores attractive.
  • Staffing: Retail chains need a large workforce to operate nationwide, while online retailers function efficiently with minimal staff.
  • Inventory: Retailers purchase inventory upfront, but Brilliance accesses thousands of diamonds without owning them, reducing costs.

Cost Comparison

Let’s say a certified one-carat diamond costs $2,000 for both a retailer and Brilliance. Due to overhead, retailers mark up the diamond close to 100%, while Brilliance barely marks it up. This means you get the same diamond certified by GIA or AGS at a fraction of the price.

Experience Brilliance

Visit and explore our collection of sparkling diamonds. See how we deliver high-quality diamonds at unbeatable prices.

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